Leïla Vilmouth, You are curently running an experimental version of earth, 2023. UV print on glass, glass ball, 25 x 33,3 cm. Unique. Photo Marc Domage. Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville.

Leïla Vilmouth, You are curently running an experimental version of earth, 2023. UV print on glass, glass ball, 25 x 33,3 cm. Unique. Photo Pauline Assathiany. Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville.

Leïla Vilmouth, You are curently running an experimental version of earth, 2023. UV print on glass, glass ball, 25 x 33,3 cm. Unique. Photo Pauline Assathiany. Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville.

Leïla Vilmouth, You are curently running an experimental version of earth, 2023. UV print on glass, glass ball, 25 x 33,3 cm. Unique. Photo Pauline Assathiany. Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville.

Leïla Vilmouth, You are curently running an experimental version of earth, 2023. UV print on glass, glass ball, 25 x 33,3 cm. Unique. Photo Pauline Assathiany. Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville.