Berlin 24/2 05
Dear Anna!!!
How are you? Hope you are well -I am so happy!!!
I finally found him! His name is Jukka Korkeila and he is so kind!
One can say he is nice as well but as you know most artists are so slimy
nice it seems
as they all took charming classes along their art education. Some are
so nice so you
want to puke, (yes I know I am nice too..) Well, finally I met this guy
and he seems so
kind you know I have been looking so hard for this person for years and
to me it is so
shocking that it actually turned out to be a man!!! I must admit that
I think I have
been a bit unfair doing my research while I have been more focused on
women as I
have simply been thinking it must be a woman because in general women
are better
people, less violent etc. But when he sat beside me at the restaurant,
we were all in
such a good mood it had been a fun and crowded opening, he made me listen
to his so
kind way of being. He was so kind, his comments, personal story etc you
know I have
been looking so hard through the years so I have almost forgotten about
the project!
To be honest I had almost gave it up to find somebody, I looked everywhere:
New York, Berlin, Beijing, Bangkok…and suddenly there, while slurping
an excellent
fish soup in a restaurant in Belgrade he sat next to me. He made me feel
so calm. I have
to say it have been hard years having do so much research and always try
to look deep
inside every artist. The nice thing when I told the other artists at the
breakfast the
next day, all were hangover and tired, I told them about my film project,
all busted
-He is such a good pick! He seems so kind! He looks so kind!!!!
All agreed immediately to my choice (for a second I was thinking maybe
would get jealous but I couldn’t see any track of that) and all
raised up and
congratulated me for finding him hugging me and really whished me good
with the filming. I got tears in my eyes. I can’t wait for you to
see the film!
I am sure you would also think he is the kindest artist in the world!
Miss you and hope to see you very soon,

06.03-17.04.04 |
Kinmont & Paula Hayes

24.04-29.05.04 |
& Ana Prvacki

24.04-29.05.04 |
Prvacki & Marcos Novak

11.09-23.12.04 |
Prvacki & Marcos Novak

08.01-27.02.05 |