Born in 1964 in Washington, USA. Lives and works in New York.

Turning personal experience into a political statement, Rob Pruitt's eclectic and spectacular work nonetheless retains a social and critical dimension. Describing his own work as populist, he says, "I like to show that things don't have to be confusing or the work of experts alone - that you can make something really beautiful with a little ingenuity and some supplies from Michael's."

Help Me Lift You Up, Air de Paris, 2024
You Get The Face You Deserve, Air de Paris, 2017 The Obama Paintings, MOCAD, Detroit 2015 Rob Pruitt's Birthday Bash, Brant Foundation, Greenwish, 2015
Animal Party, Marillenhof-Destillerie Kausl, Mühldorf 2014 An American Folk Artist, Aspen Art Museum 2013 History of the world, Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg 2012
Flea Market, La Monnaie de Paris, Nuit des Musées, Paris 2012 Dundee Contemporary Arts, 2012
Air de Paris, 2011
The Andy Monument, Public Art Fund, New York 2011 Works, 2008 !, Air de Paris, 2006
Centre d'art et du paysage, Vassivière, 2005 Paris in Rome, Roma Roma Roma, Rome, 2004 Le Consortium, Dijon, 2002
with Lily van der Stokker, Air de Paris, 2002
Air de Paris